No one's answers.Ten years later..
Yes, #Jogja! Short by Jogjakarta. Usually people come here for their 7 Wonders of the World that is Borobudur. This temple is the greatest Buddhist temple in the world, built in Syailendra Dynasty. But, Borobudur is too far from my hotel (I stayed at Java Village Resort). So we only went for culinary and taking pictures at Jogja city area.
Some of you maybe know this place from Lucedale, famous blogger in Indonesia. She is one of influental blogger with her vintage tone on her Instagram and poetic sentences on her blog. The food is quite expensive for some people in Jogja, but if you're from outside Jogja the price is still reasonable more likely cheap.
RM Demangan
Jl. Demangan Baru No.19, Mrican, Caturtunggal, Kec. Depok, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55281
Some of you maybe know this place from Lucedale, famous blogger in Indonesia. She is one of influental blogger with her vintage tone on her Instagram and poetic sentences on her blog. The food is quite expensive for some people in Jogja, but if you're from outside Jogja the price is still reasonable more likely cheap.